CODA is a registered service provider for the NDIS, and with over 30 years in disability support services, we have a wealth of knowledge and experiences to assist with accessing supports under the NDIS.

CODA offers a wide range of supports and has a large and experienced team of dedicated and qualified support workers who are hand selected to match the right support team to your needs. CODA provides supports 24 hour a day, 7 days a week.

CODA’s bespoke approach to support means your individual needs are acknowledged and respected; we recognise that you have changing needs, goals and aspirations and we monitor and evaluate each plan’s effectiveness regularly.

CODA is registered to provider the following disability supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):

  • Personal Activities High
  • Assist Personal Activities
  • Assist-Travel Transport
  • Daily Tasks/Shared Living
  • Assist-Life Stage, Transition
  • Innov Community Participation
  • Development-Life Skills
  • Community participation (1:1 )
  • Support Coordination
  • Plan Management
  • Short Term Accommodation


CODA charges for supports delivered in line with the NDIS price guide / supports catalogue. This price guide is subject to increases on an ad hoc, or annual basis and CODA will increase prices in line with NDIS released prices.  CODA may also charge the TTP (Temporary Transformation payment) rate as per NDIS guidelines. CODA and participants will sign a Service Agreement and Schedule of Support for mutually agreed services/ rates.

For up to date NDIS pricing, visit: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/price-guides-and-pricing

CODA provides supports in Brisbane and surrounding regions. To find out more about the NDIS and the services CODA is offering, please contact us today.

For more detailed information about the NDIS in Queensland, visit:  https://www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/our-sites/QLD.html


What is the NDIS?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a new way of supporting people with a permanent and significant disability through giving them access to individualised funding, plans and support. If your disability means you need support from another person or equipment to take part in everyday activities and you are under the age of 65, the NDIS is almost certainly for you. The NDIS is being run by the National Disability Insurance Agency or NDIA.

How is the NDIS funded?

The Productivity Commission estimated in 2011 that once fully operational in 2019-20, the cost of the NDIS would be about $22 billion a year. The NDIS is jointly funded by the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, as outlined in the bilateral agreements for each jurisdiction.

Who is the NDIA?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the independent Commonwealth government agency responsible for implementing the NDIS.


  • Helps empower and inform people with disability to be confident consumers.
  • Provides information and referrals, links to services and activities, individualised plans and where necessary, funded supports to people over a lifetime.
  • Provides service providers with clarity and transparency so they can grow their business and respond to need.
  • Raises community awareness and encourages greater inclusion and access for people with disability to mainstream services, community activities and other government initiatives.

The NDIA is partnering with the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments and well known community organisations to deliver the NDIS in your local area.

What is the difference between NDIA and NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, is run by the independent agency – the National Disability Insurance Agency, or NDIA.

The NDIS is one component of the National Disability Strategy which brings community, government and industry together to address the challenges faced by people with disability, and ensures they are supported by services such as health, education and transport and the wider community.

Why an insurance scheme?

The NDIS is social insurance, not welfare. As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach to support, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.

Who will be eligible for the NDIS?

People may be eligible for the NDIS if they have a permanent disability that significantly affects their ability to take part in everyday activities.

In addition, they must:

  • be aged under 65 years when they first access the NDIS
  • live in Australia
  • be an Australian citizen, or
  • hold a permanent Visa or
  • hold a Protected Special Category Visa.

How do I access supports under the NDIS?

There are two steps involved in accessing supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):

  • The first is to become a participant where a person makes an access request.
  • If access is approved, the second step is for a participant to have an NDIS plan developed.

Do I need to move to the NDIS?

The NDIS is a change from the existing system of disability services where the Queensland Government sets and funds disability supports to a national scheme that will provide the supports you need over your lifetime. This means responsibility for providing disability services including funding will move from the Queensland Government to the NDIA. Once the NDIS is rolled out in each area, all eligible people will only be able to access their disability supports through the NDIS.

What will change under the NDIS?

The NDIS will change the way disability supports are funded and delivered. The NDIS is administered by one national agency, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), rather than multiple state-based disability service systems. Supports and services to help a person achieve their goals will be listed on their NDIS plan.

People will:

  • be funded for the reasonable and necessary supports they need to participate in daily life
  • have choice and control over how, when and where their supports are provided
  • be able to access a broader range of mainstream and community supports, as well as traditional disability supports.

How do I prepare to access the NDIS?

If you already receive supports from a State or Territory government disability program, you will be contacted by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) representative when it is time to transition to the NDIS. For some people already receiving supports from State and Territory disability programs, evidence of your disability may not be needed. This is because some State and Territory programs have the same eligibility criteria as the NDIS. If you do not currently receive disability supports and the NDIS is available in your area you can request access by contacting the NDIS.

What if I am not eligible for the NDIS?

If you are currently receiving specialist disability services but are not eligible for the NDIS, you will continue to receive support that will enable you to achieve similar outcomes through Continuity of Support arrangements.

What happens to my current support?

Current support arrangements will continue until your new NDIA plan begins and you transition to your new support arrangements. If funding for your current support arrangements is approved by NDIA and you wish to stay with CODA, the transition should be seamless.

What is funded under an NDIS?

For a support to be funded it needs to be linked to an outcome you have identified in your plan and it also must:

  • Be associated with day-to-day living and activities that increase your social or economic participation
  • Be a resource or piece of equipment, such as wheelchair, assistive technology or home and car modifications, to help you live an ordinary life
  • Help you build the skills you need to live the life you want, such as opportunities to work, further your education, volunteer or learn something new.

The NDIS will fund “reasonable and necessary” supports that;

  • Support people with disability to pursue their goals and maximise their independence, and
  • Support people with disability to live independently and to be included in the community as fully participating citizens, and
  • Develop and support the capacity of people with disability to undertake activities that enable them to participate in the community and in employment.

Who decides what is a “Reasonable And Necessary” support?

Reasonable and necessary supports are funded by the NDIS in a range of areas, which may include education, employment, social participation, independence, living arrangements and health and wellbeing. These supports will help participants to:

  • pursue their goals, objectives and aspirations
  • increase their independence
  • increase social and economic participation, and
  • their capacity to actively take part in the community.

What isn’t funded under the NDIS?

A support will not be funded if it does not relate to your disability, if it duplicates support that is already funded (eg Medicare or Departments of Education), if it relates to day-to-day living costs that are not related to a participant’s support needs, or if it is likely to cause harm to the participant or others.

How are plans managed?

While the NDIS gives you choice and the control over the support you receive and the service providers you use, it also gives you a say in how your funding is managed. Your funding can be:

  • Agency Managed – this is where your provider(s) claim directly from the NDIA
  • Plan Manager – funding in your plan is allocated to a third party to manage the financial transactions in your plan
  • Self-Managed – you (or your nominee) directly manage the funds
  • Automated Payments (transport only) – funds are deposited into an NDIS bank account weekly, fortnightly or monthly
  • Combination – a combination of the above options can be used to meet your individual needs.

What is a participant statement?

The participant statement is a statement about the person who the NDIS funding is for and their life. What their life looks like now and what they would like it to look like, including where they live, what they do during the week, the people who are in their life, work or volunteering. It will help your Planner develop your plan and it helps build a picture of the person (particularly if they are non-verbal or maybe unable to attend the meeting), so it’s a good idea to think ahead about the things to include.

What is a goal?

Many people are being asked for two short term and one long term goal to be included in their ‘First Plan’. For some people one of their short term goals is retaining their current level of supports. It’s a good idea to think ahead of your meeting about the goals you would like to include; what you’d like to achieve in the next year or two. This can be something simple e.g. ‘learning to do my own washing’, ‘making new friends’ or ‘maintaining my current accommodation’. A longer term goal could be ‘learning to live more independently’ or ‘going on a holiday’ or ‘I’d like to have a job’.

What is my first plan?

Your first plan is the start of a lifelong relationship with the NDIS. Once you have gained access to the NDIS we will work with you to develop your first plan. Your first plan is your entry point to the NDIS and the start of your relationship with the Scheme.

Your first plan will identify the reasonable and necessary supports you require to meet your immediate needs and start to identify and achieve your goals. Once completed – your first plan will provide you with individualised funding that you control and choose how to use. To get ready for the NDIS and your first plan, start thinking about your immediate support needs and what your current and future goals might be.

What do I do once I’ve received my plan?

Once your first plan is finalised you will be contacted by an NDIS representative to discuss how to put it into action. The NDIS will then work with you to implement your plan; this support could be provided by a Local Area Coordinator, a Support Coordinator or another party who will help you to connect with community and mainstream or funded supports. Once your plan is approved and you receive your funding, all previous funding for your disability supports will be stopped with immediate effect. Therefore, to ensure your existing services continue as per normal, it’s important to let your provider know that your plan has been approved as soon as you receive it. You don’t have to show your provider your plan if you don’t want to.

What happens when I turn 65?

At this stage, if you are currently receiving an NDIS package and you turn 65, you can either choose to remain in the NDIS under ‘continuity of support’ rules, or you can transition to the aged care system. If you are over 65 at the time your area rolls out the NDIS, you will transition into the aged care system.

Can I exit the Scheme?

Once you are accepted as an NDIS participant, you will receive reasonable and necessary support for as long as you need it. For most participants this means a lifelong relationship.

For more information about the NDIS please visit their website: https://www.ndis.gov.au/

CODA’s Provider Registration number 4050006567

To find out more about the NDIS and the services CODA is offering, please contact us today.